Admiralty Place Grand Opening

Kyoob Architects is delighted to announce our recent launch of Admiralty Place, recipient of the HDB Innovation Design Award in 2020. The opening ceremony, held on 1st July 2023, marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter for Admiralty Place!

We were honoured to have Senior Minister of State, Sim Ann, officiate the opening ceremony. The event saw the enthusiastic presence of numerous residents and visitors who eagerly embraced the new offerings at Admiralty Place.

Nestled within a mature public housing estate and conveniently located next to Admiralty MRT Station, Admiralty Place Neighbourhood Centre has been an integral part of the local community for over two decades. Its recent rejuvenation aims to offer visitors a revitalized shopping experience while reinforcing its connection with the adjacent Kampung Admiralty—an integrated housing development designed for seniors. The planned rejuvenation of Admiralty Place is thoughtfully designed, integrating greenery and landscaping with family and elderly-oriented facilities to cater to the community’s diverse needs. The refurbishment has also greatly enhanced connectivity and wayfinding by introducing wider sheltered walkways and new pedestrian links to adjacent commercial developments. Moreover, sustainable features have been seamlessly incorporated, contributing to a cleaner and greener environment in Singapore.

The success of the launch and the recognition through the HDB Awards bring us immense joy, serving as a testament to the dedication and hard work invested in our projects. Our commitment to excellence remains unwavering as we continue to create designs that foster thriving communities and spaces that enrich our built environment.